In the global community, three parallel wars are currently being carried out.One is Energy,the other is the Financial Sector and the third concerns the
control of Political Developments,through which one can gain more power
in the above two areas.After the
collapse of socialism and the mutation
of the Russian and Chinese economy,
the global political and economic system searches for its new balances.This process began with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union and
ends,slowly,nowadays.We are
heading full steam ahead,towards
a New Yalta Agreement.
The debt crisis in the Eurozone and the solution adopted by the Europeans is mainly
to protect the banking sector.Otherwise, the banking sector would be destroyed and would create enormous damage on several levels,financial and human,which
no one is ready to face.Simultaneously the collapse of part of the financial sector would provide the opportunity to "new players" to demand greater participation in
controlling the spread of money.This would be a great challenge
of changing geopolitical balances.Despite the charm of this challenge,I think that nobody is
ready to claim the fault of a global disaster.
What is happening in North Africa and the alleged Arab
Spring,is nothing more than
an attempt,by the West to check the new balances in
the Middle East and the accesses
to the production and
distribution of oil and gas
in the region of Africa and the Arabian
peninsula.This process is the biggest
challenge of the West against the "new players."This
victory will ensure traditional powers the access and exploitation
of energy reserves that are necessary for the operation of western industries and their social needs.
Redistribution of power is now visible.Certain Articles
speak of the agreement creating an Autonomous Kurdish State in Syria. Davutoglu's statements concerning
the "reconstitution" of the Ottoman Empire,as challenging as it is,and unrealistic,reveal the agony of Turkey
to control the oil of the Aegean,taking advantage of the predicament of Greece.Although Turkey is
capable and willing to play a role in the upcoming settlement
of the Syrian issue (and will play,through operational facilitations in
NATO) acknowledges the difficulties
in order to prevail in the Arab world as the guarantor country of
the West.
The question of Christiane Amanpour to Ramadan (grandson of the founder
of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt),:“if Egypt can play the prior role of Turkey”,at her show on CNN before, approximately 15 days,is not at all random.Demonstrates the attempt
to manage and control political
developments in the wider South
East Mediterranean.After half a
century,the West recognizes that
Turkey will never be accepted
by the Arab world
as a guarantor power.And Turkey knows
that the path of sovereignty
is to the West.But the way in which Turkey tries to impose its hegemony,reveals the Ottoman Arrogance from
which she never was able to wean.Turkey is located between Europe refusal, Economic Aggression of Russia and
the Full and Genuine Ignorance
of the Arab world.The West,therefore,knows that Turkey is simply a giant with glass
feet.It is a state with huge
potential but with many preconceptions.
The developments that will be
launched immediately after
the U.S. elections,coupled with the solution of the Iranian problem, will outline the emerging "agreements" in the Political, Economic,
and Energy level.Since the Devil's
Triangle (Iran-Syria-Israel) is a puzzle with many small pieces,the final solution will not
come quickly.At least, 5 to 7 years will be needed to form the New Balances.The global community,
should not be concerned!In the end,we will have a New Yalta Agreement!What are 5 or 7 years?